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On the afternoon of April 24, 2019, the International Youth Aerospace Education Forum, an important part of the Space Day of China home event, opened at Hunan University. The forum conducted a transcendent international aerospace education platform about the future of aerospace. Experts, scholars, teachers and students from all over the world, including more than 10 cities across China participated in the event and witnessed the launching ceremony of the Future Space Scholars Meet 2019.
Anu Ojha, Dean of the National Space Academy, and Bryan J. DeBates, Vice President of the Space Foundation, each gave a keynote speech after the ceremony titled "The Importance of Youth Aerospace Education and the Development of European Aerospace Science Education" and "The Development and Development of Aerospace Science Education," respectively. Each of these honorary educators have positively influenced students across the world for around 15 years for Anu Ojha and nearly 20 years for Bryan J. DeBates.
"Space science is not a competitive relationship but a cooperative relationship. UK has been working with top Chinese scientists for more than a decade." Borrowing the words of astronaut Wang Yaping in his speech, Ojha proclaimed, "'In the face of the vast universe, we are all students.' I hope China and [the] UK could establish a long-lasting friendship in aerospace." Knowledge of our Earth and the universe is meant to be shared among nations and as a united world, prepare the human race for future years to come.
"Over the years, most countries in the world have adopted traditional teaching methods. Teachers' simple teaching often leads students to memorize only. Later, we turned the teaching method into practical learning, and then later the problem-based learning method, now we had developed a project-based approach to learning." Bryan J. DeBates talked about how and why we need to change the method of education in his speech. China has adopted this style of learning for their students which will grant students firsthand knowledge and application when advancing into the workforce industry.

Other guests who had attended the launching ceremony: Wang Yuqing, Deputy Director of Hunan Provincial Department of Education; Professor Chen Wei, Deputy Secretary of Hunan University Party Committee; Yuan Maofu, Deputy Secretary-General of China Space Foundation; Liu Feng, Editor-in-Chief of China Science and Technology Daily; Jiang Yuqin, Director of International Teenager Competition and Communication Center; Professor Yin Shuangfeng, Dean of the Institute of Science and Technology of Hunan University; Wu Xiao, Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of Hunan University; Yang Xiaohai, Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Chemical Biosensing and Metrology in Hunan University; and Ms. Audra Chapleski, Director of the Education Division of the Space Foundation.

"The Future Space Scholars Meet was officially launched in 2018, and in 2019 it formed an international organizing committee consisting of members from China, the United States and the United Kingdom while its influence has been expanded to nearly ten countries.

The Global Future Space Scholars Meet is co-organized by China Space Foundation, the US Space Foundation, the UK National Space Academy, and the ITCCC Education Group. Centering on aerospace, it aims to build a learning, exchange and display platform for young people from various countries, inspire them to explore the unknown and to innovate, and build up their future-oriented core qualities and abilities."
In 2020, The high-school contestants need to submit their qualifying proposal in teams, with 6/12 members each. Each group is expected to produce a sound space settlement/research base proposal for a designated location in the inner solar system (including the Earth's orbit, the Moon, Mars and its orbit, Mercury and its orbit, and the asteroid belt) based on science and rational application of technology. Those who pass the first round will again be divided into several teams, form a virtual company on the spot, and accomplish a simulation space project within 24 hours, to produce a bidding proposal for the space settlement/research base through close cooperation. Through such activities, you can fully demonstrate and develop comprehensive knowledge, skills and innovation ability in such fields as mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, business, life science, art design, as well as core skills and qualities deemed a must for top talents in the 21st century: scientific research, problem solving, teamwork, and project management.
You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.
The words "think different" were created by Chiat Day art director Craig Tanimoto. The text of the various versions of this commercial was tinkered with by Rob Siltanen and Ken Segall. However, it is important to point out that the text was simply lifted from an original piece written by Jack Kerouac (and certainly not created for Apple). Music was composed by Chip Jenkins for Elias Arts.
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